For you.

Your companion for essences and extracts from Hamburg, Germany.

Naturally. For you.

Nutramaxx® is your companion in product development when you are looking for plant extracts, distillates or essences for your products. We make food more natural. We produce tailor-made extracts in consultation with you and also support you in further product development when it comes to topics such as product safety and declaration issues. In doing so, we use our worldwide network for raw material procurement, which we have been steadily expanding since 2005, and are thus able to serve even unusual customer requests. 

Vanilla is of particular importance to us. We develop extracts from vanilla beans from various regions such as Madagascar, Uganda, Tahiti or Mexico. Our focus and expertise in this area have also been reflected in our new logo.

Nutramaxx®. Naturally made. For you.

Here we show our latest progress.

What we do:

Preferring juice over smoothies?


Preferring juice over smoothies?

A delicious option made from carrot juice, apple juice, ginger and vitamin D gets us ready for summer (even if a cloud appears). Our vitamin D is oil-soluble, which is why care must be taken to add a little oil to the recipe. In terms of taste, we delve into a refreshing combination of vegetables and fruit, which is perfect as a light snack on warm days.


Have you seen this already? BTS in our office?

With a video, the foodactive e.V. team gives you a look behind the scenes! For more than 10 years, the network has brought all members together on different topics in order to open up new market access and strengthen competitiveness. Sustainability, reduction, R&D and food production are just some of the topics we tackle together.
We look forward to your visit and being a part!

Green tea summer edition


Green tea summer edition

It is now known that green tea offers many health benefits.
We also can't get enough of the taste: with its fresh, slightly bitter notes, it can also be enjoyed cold in summer. After brewing, simply add a few ice cubes, mint and lemon and our refreshing summer drink is ready (also found by the AI ​​that created this image). Our green tea extract in particular can offer a lot in terms of taste and can be used in a variety of drinks, foods and dietary supplements.

Who will try our healthy summer drink?

Discover all news
Extracts are for us as easy as A(pple) — B(anana) — C(itrus).

From the initial idea
to market readiness:

1 How it all begins
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  • It all starts with your idea and request for a particular product or taste.
  • With counter-questions we clarify for which application the product is and which qualitative specifications it must fulfill. BIO, Naturland or Fairtrade certified? Halal, kosher or baby food? If we have a suitable product in our range by default, we will send you a sample immediately.
  • A suitable product for your wish does not yet exist? No problem, we at Nutramaxx love innovation and the challenge—the journey begins with step number 2 ...
2 Selection of suitable raw material suppliers
  • We create a supplier selection for the suitable raw material with which we can later create an individual sample for your request and clarify the following questions:
  • Do we have all documents and certificates for the raw material? And: Is the raw material available or could there be bottlenecks?
  • We then order a raw material sample from a suitable supplier.
3 Sample Production & Analysis
  • The basis for your individual sample is produced in a rotary evaporator or as an extract or macerate.
  • The process is continuously documented and, among other things, the specifications for the sample are recorded.
  • After the basic sample arrives, an extraction or distillation is performed and your individual customer sample is developed.
  • We perform detailed analyses with information on allergens, pesticides, chemical-physical parameters etc.
  • Finally, we create the final specification of your sample.
4 Your lab tests, our support
  • We will send you your individual sample and you can now start your own tests in the lab.
  • But also at this point we do not leave you alone:
  • If you wish, we will be happy to assist you in creating the recipe or the list of ingredients.
  • We can also develop ready-to-consume samples for you.
  • We are also there for you if you have any legal questions about topics such as sales descriptions or ingredient lists.
5 Final formulation & market readiness
  • The customer sample appeals to you and the end customer product is to be launched?! Wonderful!
  • In this case, we create our final recipe and a process instruction, secure the raw materials in coordination with you and produce a defined quantity with the help of our manufacturing partners so that you can start a pilot production on your plant.
  • In addition, we create your customer-specific specification including documentation and commission further analyses.
6 Delivery
  • The time has come: your individual, tailor-made product is produced and delivered!
We are aware of our social responsibility.

Not just words,
but actions:

Help Mada
Help Mada
Help Mada
Help Mada

As a company, we are aware of our responsibility to keep pace with social and sustainable standards.

The world we live in is changing, and climate change is making itself increasingly felt. We are contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of working by making changes in our organization bit by bit and paying attention to the careful use of resources.

But our attention is not only focused on our daily work processes. For years, we have been actively supporting the association Help Mada e.V. whose mission is to improve the health and education systems in Madagascar. It is close to our heart to make our contribution at this point.

The non-profit association was founded in 2020 and has set itself the goal of working with local partners to support and implement the construction of health clinics and schools in Madagascar. We at Nutramaxx believe that the development of the Madagascan infrastructure offers the local people even more quality of life and development opportunities, which are to be considered sustainable and long-term.

Supplier Selection
Green Energy
Glass Samples
Social Responsibility
Bourbon Vanilla
Reduced Paper Consumption
Organic Products